Portada Consejos Camino de Santiago

How to take care of your feet on the Camino de Santiago?

Doing the Camino de Santiago is an incredible experience that we are sure you will enjoy.
The most common way to do the Camino de Santiago is on foot as it gives you the pleasure of enjoying the landscapes you will find along the route and doing it at your own pace.
For this reason, we want to give you some important indications so that you can enjoy this experience to the fullest and not be bothered by a sore foot that you could have easily avoided.  

What do I need to do the Camino de Santiago on foot?

We want to start this topic talking about what you need to do the Camino de Santiago on foot, things that are essential for you not to miss anything during your routes.
So take note. You need Camino de Santiago on foot


Comfortable footwear

It is important that you choose a good shoe that does not squeeze or rub you and that has a good fit.
This is not the time to wear new shoes, we can assure you.
You need to take shoes that you have already worn on other occasions to make sure they are comfortable.
In this case, the most suitable footwear to do the Camino de Santiago are hiking boots or trekking shoes, depending on what time of the year you are going to do it.

  • If you are going to do it in spring and summer the best choice are sneakers because they are made of a more breathable material.
  • If you are going to do it in autumn and winter, boots are the best option because it will prevent humidity or rain from the outside from entering your foot.

Smou Insoles

If you already know our brand, you will know that we have different orthopedic insoles that can help you in different cases so that nothing can stop you.
If you still suffer from foot pain and you dare to do so, we recommend Smou Complet.
You will be remedying a fasciitis, spur or metatarsalgia that you have or may arise.
If your feet do not hurt, but you have an anatomical condition that could lead to it, you should choose the Prevent range range according to your case. For the rest, the Smou Sport Resist.
It is robust and will provide stability, cushioning and balance in your stride.
As always, you can write to us so that we can recommend the best orthopedic insoles for your specific case if you have any doubts or want to make sure before buying them.  

Seamless socks

The socks you wear are also important for the well-being of your feet, especially because they are one of the main causes of those dreaded blisters.
It is important that you choose socks that are seamless and made of breathable materials such as cotton.
Our recommendation is to carry many pairs of socks in your backpack, as they take up little space and you can change them whenever you feel the need.  

First aid kit in your backpack

You can not miss in your backpack products such as a good moisturizer for feet, plasters, dressings, Vaseline, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory analgesic cream, alcohol or any other disinfectant agent, ointment for wounds, sunscreen and needles for suturing. It is better to be safe than sorry and have on hand anything you may need during your routes.  

Previous training

Although in this case it is not something that you have to carry as such, it is important that you do not start doing the Camino de Santiago on foot without having done a previous training.
Keep in mind that these are routes in which you will cover large amounts of kilometers daily, something that in general we do not usually do on a daily basis.
Therefore, you need to prepare yourself before going on the Camino de Santiago.
Start doing shorter routes, and gradually increase them up to 20-25 kilometers, which is the length of the recommended stages.  

Visit to the podiatrist

Another thing we recommend is that before you go on the Camino de Santiago you visit your podiatrist to check that your feet are in the best conditions to withstand these routes without pain.
Tell him/her to give you some advice and to cut your toenailsproperly to avoid discomfort or problems with ingrown toenails.  

How to prepare your feet for the Camino de Santiago?

Now that you know what you need, we want to share with you how to prepare your feet for the Camino de Santiago so that you can make your journey comfortably.  

Start the day with clean feet

It is important that you start the day by cleaning your feet well and drying them well to prevent moisture from causing blisters or cracks.
At this time, you can also apply a product according to your level of sweating to control it and prevent odor.
You can use talcum powder if you have light sweating or antiperspirant foot creams if your sweating is excessive.  

Vaseline for feet

Once they are clean and dry, apply petroleum jelly to your feet, focusing on the areas most exposed to friction. This will keep your feet protected from chafing and blisters, also avoiding possible injuries.
Afterwards, put on your socks and put on your shoes to start your route.  

Band-aids and dressings

If you have noticed that your footwear rubs, even a little, in a specific area of your foot, you can use plasters or dressings to prevent that rubbing, with the passage of the day to day, becomes a nuisance or worse.
In case you already have that chafing, remember to disinfect before putting on the plasters or dressings.  

End the day with clean and moisturized feet.

When you have finished your daily route, it is important to take care of your feet.
Start by cleaning your feet well, drying them thoroughly and moisturizing them with your cream and a good self-massage to relax your muscles and facilitate the absorption of the cream.
Remember that at this point it is very important that you rest well to be able to face the next stage.  

Tips for walking the Camino de Santiago

Finally, we want to share with you some extra tips to make your Camino de Santiago a great experience.  

This is not the time for new sneakers

As we have already told you above, this is not the time to wear new shoes.
You need to make sure that the shoes you are wearing don’t rub or hurt you, which is something we never know when we are wearing them for the first time.  

Plan the stages in a personalized way

You have your own pace and it is important that you do not force your body to go in a hurry because you will feel it in your feet.
If you leave some days of margin to complete the Camino de Santiago you can better adapt the stages in case you need to take a break to heal blisters or wounds.  

Pamper your feet between stages

It is important that, no matter how tired you are when you arrive at the lodge or shelter, you dedicate some time to pamper your feet, because they are the ones that are making a great daily effort.
Remember to clean and dry them well, moisturize them and massage them to relax the muscles.
You can also take off your shoes when you take a break and even take the opportunity to clean your feet in a river, check that there is no rubbing or injury and change your socks if they are very wet.  

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated

Hydrate well, even if you do not feel thirsty, especially if you are doing the Camino de Santiago in summer.
You are doing an exercise that requires constant hydration and a good diet to have the strength and calories your body needs.  

Don’t overload your backpack

You will have to carry it all day long, so you have to find a balance between carrying everything you need and weighing as little as possible.  If you decide to embark on this journey you must take proper care of your feet, the protagonists and responsible for you to finally reach Santiago de Compostela.
Take care of them and pamper them to have the best experience.